
A mostrar mensagens de 2013

Microsoft Exchange 2003 Raising the limits over 16G on datastores

Microsoft Windows 7 patch to delete old Windows Updates

Kloxo, secundary domain name server solution

Follow this (not my instructions) (from ) Secondary DNS The previous tutorial described a DNS server on the same machine as the web server using a single IP address. That works just fine if all you are doing is hosting simple websites. In that case, a good argument can be made that if the web server goes down for some reason (along with the DNS server, most likely), that a secondary DNS server can’t help visitors get to your website because the web server is down anyway. And all of that is true. Where it makes a difference is when you have clients who are counting on email that is handled by your server. So if you have a business that is hosting its email with you and both your server and DNS are down, mail will be immediately returned to senders as a bad email domain. That’s obviously not good for business. But if you had a secondary DNS server running someplace the sender’s email server will hold the email message until your email serv...

Domain testing webtools

Just some sites I use to test my dns domain configurations  

Solve authentication problems when connecting to a Hyper-V Server


Unable to change product key Windows 2012

Run this command on the command line Slui.exe 0x3 or Cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk  <Product key>

Linux RAID Recovery

 mdadm --assemble /dev/md1 /dev/sd{b,c,d,e,f}1 -v -f mdadm --manage -a /dev/md1 /dev/sdc1

Disable automount of raid drives at boot up on Ubuntu

Just del/move /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount /md  and do update-initramfs -u

X install in Centos

yum groupinstall "X Window System"

Testing if Exchange 2007 2010 services are started

Open the Exchange Command Shell and type: Test-ServiceHealth [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Test-ServiceHealth Role RequiredServicesRunning ServicesRunning ServicesNotRunning ---- ----------------------- --------------- ------------------ Mailbox True IISAdmin MSExchangeADTopology MSExchangeIS MSExchangeMailboxAssis tants MSExchangeMailSubmissi on MSExchangeRepl MSExchangeSA MSExchangeSearch MSExchangeServiceHost MSExchangeTransportLog Search ...

There are no images available' error on WDS

When you boot the is a error saying There are no images available' error on WDS Did you authenticate with the user@domain.local option? Reboot and authenticate with domain\user and you see should see your images   WDSUTIL  /Set-Server /DefaultX86X64ImageType: both